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We increase your online presence

The importance of online presence is a source of questioning for many hotels or restaurants. Without the online presence that digital marketing provides today, a company will find it difficult to grow and compete.


Before providing further details, this concept should be defined first.


Digital marketing is a general term often used to describe all the online marketing tactics that exist to connect a company with its audience.


From your brand's website to different aspects of online branding, such as internet advertising, e-mail marketing or web brochures, digital marketing covers a wide range of tactics and content, all independent of each other.


It is essential to understand that the term "digital marketing" does not differentiate between tactics designed to attract customers and tactics aimed at capturing their attention by interrupting their navigation.


For example, banner ads and pop-up windows are considered digital marketing in the same way as the content of a quality blog. This does not mean that if they are a good way to attract the desired audience. On the contrary, they may rather distract it from your brand, while useful or relevant blog content is more likely to attract it.


We can propose, build and manage digital marketing tactics that will allow you to attract customers rather than interrupt them.


With us, you'll experience best practices from key pillars of digital marketing, such as:


  1. The configuration and optimization of a website.

  2. Creating a digital content strategy.

  3. Promoting a brand on social media.

  4. Converting visitors from a website into prospects.

  5. The effective use of paid advertising.

  6. The conversion of leads into customers.

  7. Evaluating and improving a marketing strategy.

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